Set your child up for success

How Union Test Prep Helps Students Achieve

Success Stories

See How Union Test Prep Transforms Student Outcomes

As a parent, you want the best for your child. Their success in high-stakes exams is key to their future. But exam prep can be overwhelming. We know how that feels – and we're here to show you it doesn't have to be this way. Explore these success stories showcasing how Union Test Prep delivers results and eases the stress of exam prep for students and families.

Sarah's Story

From Fear to Confidence


Before Union Test Prep Sarah was a good student, but the thought of testing left her in tears. Anxiety overshadowed her abilities, and the looming exam terrified her.


Turning Point Sarah's parents sought a different approach and discovered Union Test Prep. The tailored study plans and focus on steady progress felt achievable.


The Results With Union Test Prep, Sarah found short, targeted practice sessions manageable. As her confidence improved, so did her scores. Exam day arrived, and she felt prepared, focused, and proud of her progress. Her results blew away her expectations!


Witnessing Sarah go from tears to calm determination as a test-taker was amazing. Union Test Prep was a true turning point for our family.

– Emily, Sarah's Mom
Ben's Story

Learning Differences No Longer an Obstacle


Before Union Test PrepBen is a bright student with dyslexia. Timed tests posed an almost insurmountable challenge, preventing him from demonstrating his true knowledge.


Turning PointUnion Test Prep provided the flexibility Ben needed. He practiced without restrictive time limits, focusing on learning concepts deeply. Test-taking strategies for students with dyslexia helped him succeed in the test environment itself.


The Results Ben's practice scores finally aligned with his abilities. He took control of the testing experience, focusing on his strengths rather than obstacles. His final score showed remarkable improvement and instilled a renewed sense of self-belief.


We feared dyslexia would define Ben's academic path. Union Test Prep gave him the tools and confidence to create his own path to success.

– Mark, Ben's Dad

More Success to Share

signed up for it for postal service practice tests which they provided for some of the exams but not all of them. Even though the some of testing is subjective and there's no right or wrong answers I think they could have provided a larger sampling of the questions for people to see. I took multiple post office exams and found that the materials they provided were helpful for some of them.

– R Hirt

The questions were helpful in showing my weak subjects. They were somewhat dated, though, unless ptcb did a massive overhaul of their test this year, which also seems extremely possible.

– Katie Jh

I used Union Test Prep to study for the CSET Multiple Subjects exam. I love the manner in which the program offers questions with multiple choice answers. It even offers maps and other graphics for visualizations. Whether you answer correctly or incorrectly, the program gives the correct answer step by step and oftentimes explains why other options aren't correct.

– Zena

This site is a great help! It is easy to navigate as well as clean and professional. The information that I need to study is written perfectly.I recommend Union Test Prep to any and all who need study guides and exam practice! Thank you Union Test Prep! You are a giant help. I will continue with my study guide now. Lynmac

– GlocalMe Customer
Why Union Test Prep Works

Proof of Results You Can Trust

At Union Test Prep, we aren't just about making claims; we're about delivering quantifiable outcomes. Our unwavering commitment to student success doesn't end with practice questions or study guides. We meticulously track results to ensure our approach brings about genuine improvement. Here's a snapshot of the positive impact Union Test Prep has on exam performance and student self-belief.

The Success Metrics


Average Score ImprovementPresent your impressive average score increase in a bold, visual way. A large number with a before/after comparison can be striking.


Passing Rate If students using your service consistently outperform the national average passing rate, make this a major highlight. A graph would be effective here.


Student Engagement Do you track how often and thoroughly students use your practice? Turn this into a compelling metric if engagement is high. (ex: "Students using Union Test Prep complete an average of X practice sessions")


If possible, find a brief student quote echoing the data – something about feeling more prepared, scoring higher than expected, etc.

– Emily, Sarah's Mom

It's Not Just Numbers – Our Methodology Delivers Success

In this section, briefly link your methods with your strong results. Here are a few ways to approach this:

Personalized Practice

If this is a major selling point, mention how the diagnostic tests or adaptive lessons contribute to the score gains.

Focused Approach

Emphasize how your materials cut out irrelevant content that other courses provide, thus improving scores by emphasizing what truly matters.

Understanding, Not Memorizing

If your questions help students grasp concepts rather than rote memorization, explain how this makes the difference on test day.

Building Confidence Alongside Scores

Improved grades aren't the only win with Union Test Prep. Our comprehensive approach not only boosts academic performance but also builds students' confidence and reduces exam anxiety. By equipping them with effective study strategies and thorough subject understanding, we help students trust their skills and approach tests with a calm, focused mindset.


Students helped since 2013


Schools and organizations use our study materials


Student success rate

The Union Test Prep Difference

Your Key to Exam Success

Test prep is an investment in your child's future. You deserve a solution that's proven, innovative, and built with their specific needs in mind. At Union Test Prep, we do things differently.  From tailored practice to up-to-the-minute content, our approach is what sets us apart and drives lasting results for students.

More Than Just Practice Questions

Many test prep services simply offer endless practice tests. While these are valuable, Union Test Prep provides a more comprehensive approach


Diagnostic Power Our initial assessments don't just measure the student's starting point – they pinpoint strengths and weaknesses to create a targeted path forward.


Adaptive Learning Practice adjusts based on performance. This eliminates wasting time on mastered concepts and instead focuses on those requiring deeper understanding.


Exam-Specific Expertise Our content team isn't just made up of general educators; we employ specialists for each major exam, ensuring questions and study material are deeply aligned with the test's unique demands.

Keeping Pace with the Changing Standards

Exams evolve over time. Outdated study material means a student learns irrelevant information or misses a new focus area. Here's how Union Test Prep ensures preparedness


Monitoring and UpdatesWe relentlessly track test standard changes, releasing updates as quickly as those changes roll out.


Exam InsightsOur question writers don't just regurgitate information, they dissect the format and intent of the exam for truly authentic test prep.


Community Powered If we spot changes or new question patterns emerge, you can report these as well, making Union Test Prep adaptable in real-time.


Support from Start to Finish

Explain the level of support parents and students can expect with Union Test Prep. Do you offer

Progress Reports

Detail how parents can track scores, improvement trends, and the time invested in practice.

Teacher/Tutor Tie-In

Can a parent collaborate with a tutor or teacher based on the practice data? (This is a big selling point!)

Expert Help

Is there on-demand tutoring help on difficult questions or a support staff who can answer procedural questions?

Why Choose Union Test Prep?

Because Your Child Deserves the Best

Choosing a test prep service isn't always easy. Many parents start out trying to DIY the materials, only to find the process overwhelming, time-consuming, and filled with doubt. With Union Test Prep, you gain a trusted partner with proven methodology to make exam prep smoother and more successful for both you and your student.

Beyond Homemade Guides & Practice Books

Outline potential pain points of the  self-guided strategy many parents attempt


Wasted TimeResearching the correct test information, searching for free resources, and trying to compile it all can consume countless hours.


Questionable Quality Free online resources are often outdated, error-filled, or don't match the depth needed for the specific exam.


Student Demotivation A homemade plan lacks structure and the built-in feedback loops critical to maintain interest and drive improvement.

The Union Test Prep Advantage

Clearly contrast the experience


Expert-Crafted ContentOur materials are developed by those intimately familiar with the exam's content and expectations, ensuring every question targets the right skills.


Comprehensive & FlexibleWhether used alongside classroom learning or for intensive self-study, Union Test Prep adapts to your family's needs.


Data-Driven Insights Progress dashboards take the guesswork out of identifying gaps. Parents gain clear direction as they guide their students.


See the Difference Yourself

If space allows, a side-by-side chart visually pitting Union Test Prep against common DIY tactics would be powerful. Points of comparison might include

Time Commitment
Depth of Practice
Access to Updated Materials
Student Buy-In and Motivation

Let's Clear Up Any Doubts You Have

Choosing the right test prep is an investment, and you likely have both practical questions and broader concerns about how it fits your child's needs. These FAQs will help.  Don't see your question here? Don't hesitate to reach out.

Common Questions & Answers

Here's where we create our expandable FAQ list. Group questions logically – a few categories to consider

Getting Started

How do I choose the right program for my child?

Do you cover my child's particular exam?

Can I try it before buying?

Technology & Setup

What tech does my child need to use Union Test Prep?

Is it difficult to set up an account?

Learning & Practice

How much time per week should my child dedicate?

What if my child gets stuck on a question?

Can I monitor my child's progress?

Support & Extras

Do you offer any help for students with test anxiety?

Can a tutor use Union Test Prep alongside their sessions?

How much does a subscription cost?


Try to anticipate what a parent might worry about. Even "silly" questions deserve clear answers to build trust.

Ready for Your Child's Success Story?

Union Test Prep can ease the exam journey and create a brighter future. Let us help you achieve those big wins and reduce the stress along the way.
